The View of Victory

Oct 27, 2019    Pastor Jim McKinnies

“If the enemy can get you to never see it, then you will never realize it.”
-Bro James McKinnies

The story of David and Goliath is a story of vision. All of Israel seen the situation through fear, intimation and impossibility. The children of Israel focused on their limitations and the size of the giant. They had a view of defeat. Then David comes along and sees the exact same situation through the filter of God. His response was much different. He viewed the cause greater than the battle. (We must view the Kingdom bigger than the battle) He viewed the situation as a way for God to show Himself mighty. Whatever you’re going through you have a choice to view it through the filter of God’s ability and the Word or the inadequacy of you. God is greater. David had a view of Victory. He seen the victory before he realized it. God is showing us the victory before we experience it. We see victory, healing, salvation, revival, miracles, signs and wonders. What others may view as problems, we see as opportunities. We declare victory in Jesus Name! 🙏🏽🙏🏽
Scripture References:
1 Samuel 17:4-50
Proverbs 29:18
1 John 4:4